Friday, November 22, 2013

My Emotions (In Another's Words)

By Thomas Prendergast with quotes from Nick Sagan’s Idlewild
Bold and italic words are not from the book.

Her “name just made me feel 
lost and sad,”
“But God was she beautiful!”
She turned out to be
“the straw that broke the junkie’s back.”
She turned out to be
“actual Doom, 
ugly sister to Destiny”

But then again, I remember the
“puddle of jet-black garments 
gracing my bedroom floor.”
“She was stunning.”
I “can’t help but think of her 
tripping on her cowboy boots
 as she stepped
 out of her panties. 
Clumsy, yes, 
but I found it endearing.”
She broke me,
“no doubt about that”
But she
“helped make me who I am, 
no doubt about that” either.

She said she was
“Giving up on the present 
to take a chance on the future,”
But she left me
“twisted and tensed, 
taking shallow breaths 
like a newborn kitten.”

She’s “gone now, 
off chasing a better tomorrow”
“I’m alone with my thoughts.
I said I had nothing left … 
but that’s not true.”
“That’s right,” Tommy, 
“We’re not done yet.”

And if somewhere there existed
some sort of journal, 
one consisting of my thoughts,
the last entry in her chapter
would read:
“If you’re reading this, 
what can I say? 
I tried to hit the long ball. 
I went for all the marbles and lost. 
Sucks to be me. 
You would have done the same thing 
in my position.”

My future, 
I would find,
“stood at the corner of”
Acacia street, and
“Celestial Drive…”